ALEO Contributor Badge — How to Get Started
To claim Aleo Contributor Badge you ought to have create an App using Leo Language. The approach is more easy with the recent official tutorial by Aleo.
There are 2 Badges to be claimed — Tutorial and Content
For the Tutorial — You will create an application recommend and guided by Aleo. Examples : Tictac toe Game, Hello Aleo and few others.
For the Content — This is for creating special Application on Aleo ( Unique Apps)
For this article, we will be creating a Tutorial App preferably TicTacToe. Other Apps takes the same process.
You can do this on your Personal Computer or Private servers. All you need is to install the basic prerequisites.
1. Prerequisites
For Windows
Install Rust Here
Install GIT
Install Visual Studio
For VPS ( Linux)
Open your Terminal
Let’s Begin
Install And Update Git
Input code one by one
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install git-all
Press Y then Paste
sudo apt-get install curl
Rust Installation
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Press 1 to continue installation
2. Now We will be installing Leo
Paste this
git clone
Then create a directory
cd leo
Paste this command to install Leo directly
cargo install --path .
Installation might take a while. Pls, be patient.
However if you are experiencing this error >>> Linker CC not found
Some prerequisites are missing
Use this command
sudo apt install build-essential
Sometimes you might need to install Libclang-dev. Use the following command.
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libclang-dev
However, Incase you are experiencing this error afterwards. You need to install the development packages of OpenSSL. `OPENSSL_DIR`
Use this command
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
This should solve the errors
Then Install Leo again
cargo install --path .
Try using the Leo help command to confirm
leo help
If the output is perfect then Leo is installed successfully.
3. Importing Wallet
It’s best you use your Testnet Wallet. So I assumed you already have a Leo Wallet already. So, Copy your wallet Private Key.
Replace “YOUR_Private_Key” in the command with your wallet Private key
leo account import "YOUR_Private_Key"
It will display your View keys for confirmation.
If you don’t have a wallet before then follow this command.
leo account new
4. Building With Leo
We will be building the TicTacToe Program recommended by Aleo.
Use this command
leo example tictactoe
Create Directory
cd tictactoe
Run Leo
leo run new
This command automatically run the program
5. Push Your App to GitHub
Still in the TicTacToe Directory.
Initialize Git Repository
Paste this command
git init -b main
git add .
Commit your GitHub Email
In the next command, replace “Your-Email” with your GitHub Email Address
git config --global "Your-Email"
Paste this command
git commit -m "First commit"
6. Create GitHub Repository
To create Repository
Login to your GitHub Account
Create repository — Ensure you use a name related to what you are building.
Copy the Link to your newly created for the next command
git branch -m main
git remote add origin "Your-Repsitory-Link"
git remote -v
git push -u origin main
After executing this commands.
You will be asked to input your GitHub Username and Personal Access token which will display as Password in this case.
7. To get your Personal Access Token
Visit this link to create a personal access token on GitHub.
Ensure you keep this token secure and do not share it.
Now In your teminal Enter your GitHub Username and paste your Token as your Password then press
Congratulations 🎉 on this breakthrough
8. Claim Your Badge
Go to :
Create Issues then Click on Contributor Badge
Follow the prompt there by submitted your Repository link and others then Submit issue
Once Approved, You will be added as a contributor.
Thank you for being part of the Aleo Journey.
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