Another Linea Airdrop Multiplier (Using Multi-signature Wallet)
Here is another possible multiplier for $Linea token airdrop. How to use Multi Signature Wallet such as "Safe Wallet' to make transactions on Linea chain.
To get funds into Linea Network. Kindly use the Official Linea Bridge.
Go to :
Connect you metamask wallet
Paste the amount of Ethereum you want to bridge
Ensure you are on "Automatic Claiming"
Click on Start Bridging
Safe wallet specializes in multi-signature wallets, enabling users to create accounts that require multiple private key signatures for transactions. It has integrated few networks such as Ethereum, Zksync, Linea, etc.
How to Interact on Linea with Safe Wallet :
Go to :
Click on "Create Safe Account"
Connect your metamask wallet
Select a name for your new wallet
However, you can choose to add more than a wallet for signing signatures. Just a wallet is enough.
Paste the wallet address of your metamask wallet in the box
Click "Next"
You will be prompt to sign a transaction with your Metamask wallet.
Wait for some minutes to create your Linea Safe wallet.
Start using your wallet after successfully created.
Now, Let's Deposit
Go to your dashboard
Copy your Linea Safe Address
Check below image for directions. Go to your external wallet, Send your Linea Eth to your Safe wallet.
Let's make some transactions with our wallet. This is very essential !!!
We will choose Pancakeswap for our trade.
I'm swapping Linea Eth to Weth. Choose any other token of your choice.
Go to :
Connect your Wallet
Choose Wallet Connect ( check Image)
Go back to your Safe wallet dashboard.
At the bottom right corner. Choose "Wallet Connect"
Copy the link from your Pancakeswap wallet connect option (check below image)
Paste in your Safe Wallet
Your wallet should be successfully connected on your safe wallet and pancakeswap!!!
Swap your preferred tokens on Pancakeswap.
Ensure you have some gas fee on your Signature Wallet (Metamask)
Submit and confirm transaction on both wallet
You have successfully made a transaction with a multi- Signature Wallet.
Check your history for details.
This mark the end of this post. Using Safe wallet adds to your interactions on Linea Chain and get more multiplier.