Earn Daily Airdrops By Bitbama !!!
Earn Daily Airdrops By Bitbama !!! It’s a digital currency for crypto education and mass adoption.
Follow this link to register : https://www.bitbama.io/signup?referralCode=larryclues
- Use the username (larryclues) as your referral code.
- Input your details such as E-mail, Username and other prompts.
- Input necessary details
After successful registration, you need to claim Bama Tokens.
-React to the lessons by clicking on Done.
You will get some amount of Bama tokens
You can check the amount of Bama you’ve accumulated from the “My Bama” menu.
You can also check your referral link from the “Referral” Section and claim more $Bama
Check back in the R2E Section after 24 hours to repeat the process and claim more $Bama tokens by reading articles.
Congratulation on claiming your daily Bama tokens.
Don’t forget to follow this accounf for more Alphas and blockchain articles.